Paul Michael
3 min readNov 9, 2020


National Events Group Positive Posse hosts Glow Silent Disco 3.0 in America’s heartland

(From 2019; Pre-covid 19 pandemic)

Sounds of shuffling feet. Hushed voices fill the halls of Science City at historic Union Station. Positive Posse gave out wireless headphones to the roughly 600 people that attended the event. Positive Posse hosted a Glow Silent Disco in the city’s historic train station last weekend. In the Science City portion of the train station, patrons were allowed to roam the interactive section. “It made the experience awesome because it was interactive. You could play with the games and go to the dance floor,” said Dom Green, Life Enthusiast and Founder of Positive Posse. Green defines a silent glow disco. “Bring you neons, your flair. Think about all the colors of the spectrum. We provide black lights too,” said Green. As for what a Silent Disco is? “A silent disco is a musical experience that allows you to have a different music experience on three different channels,” said Green. The event attracts many different people with many different tastes in genres. “It’s really about getting people together. Having the option to choose what few channels to listen from,” said Green. The purpose is to give people a positive environment to interact with other humans.

Fourth Silent Disco event.

“We have held Silent Discos at places like the new Crossroads Hotel. Corrigan Station a couple of months after that. This was the fourth Silent Disco that we have done,” said Green. More specifically, it was Positive Posse’s third ‘Glow’ event in the metro. “The difference in what we do, is we have a neon silent disco party. We encourage all types of people to show up. It’s a way for us to get our media brand, ‘Positive Posse’ out there,” said Green.

They are providing a unique experience to their patrons.

Despite other competing companies in the metro providing similar experience services. Green points out the uniqueness of Positive Posse’s platform. “We have a different theme to it. We love moving around. We love going to different venues that are a little bit different. Providing a unique experience as we did on the rooftop venue, seeing the Kansas City skyline. Crossroads Hotel was one of those cool, sexy places,” said Green. For Green, there is an even deeper purpose.

They are giving back.

“We like to party hard and give back in the process,” said Green. The proceeds of the Glow 3.0 event benefited three local nonprofits in the metro: Noah’s Bandage Project, Girls On The Run of Kansas City, and Union Station. Unfortunately, Green and his group anticipated more people in their third glow event than those who showed up. Still, Green says the event was still a big hit. “The people who were there were meant to be there,” said Green. Patrons of the events Positive Posse hosts feel good twofold, giving back and grooving to genres from funky music to classical Mozart.

“We bring the awareness factor. Not just the experience itself but awareness to our charities,” said Green.

(Photo credit to Positive Posse)



Paul Michael

Midwest-based investigative journalist. Founder of The Modern Journalism Project